Turbo Vision
port to the GNU compiler and more
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Here are some screen captures:

Mike and Frank are working on the QNX 4 port, here is an snapshot of TV running on pterm (qnx terminal emulator) with TV running in it under Photon 1.14 tvQNX-pterm-photon.jpg (134 KB)

Snapshot of the r2_0_1u CVS branch using Unicode: snapUni.jpg (344 KB)

Another snapshot this time including some japanese text: snapUniJA.png (22 KB)

And another showing the experimental TInputLine: snapUniInp.png (9.1 KB)

Introduction and information

What's Turbo Vision?

Turbo Vision (TVision for short) is a TUI (Text User Interface) that implements the well known CUA widgets. With TVision you can create an intuitive text mode application, intuitive means it will have CUA like interface (check boxes, radio buttons, push buttons, input lines, pull-down menues, status bars, etc.). All the people acustomed to the Windows, MacOS, OS/2, Motif, GTK, etc. interfaces will understand the interface at first sight.

Who created TVision?

TVision was developed by Borland (now Imprise) in 1992 (v1.03) as a tool for your TurboC and TurboPascal compilers. Around 1997 the masive use of the Window GUI make the product relative obsolete for commercialization and Borland put the sources in your ftp site, only the C++ version was released. Later they even authorized to the FPC group to use the Pascal sources.
Robert Höhne ported it to the djgpp toolkit to develope an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) similar to the Borland's BC++ 3.1 but for djgpp. DJGPP is based on the GNU compiler gcc.
I contributed some classes (the editor and help system) to the RHIDE project and made some modifications to the TVision sources.

What platforms are supported?

This port is a port of the C++ version for the DOS, FreeBSD, Linux, QNX, Solaris and Win32 platforms. The port isn't 100% compatible with the original version from Borland because we want a library better than the original and not with the limititations imposed by the original 16 bits version and the huge security holes that are unacceptable.
For Win32 you can use BC++ 5.5, Cygwin, MinGW or MSVC.
Sergio Sigala made a port to Linux and FreeBSD with "100% of compatibility with the old version" as goal. The v0.8 of this port can be found in Sunsite.
Screenshot of Turbo Vision running on QNX (+Photon). It was taked by Mike Gorchak who is working on the QNX port.
In the SETEdit site you'll find screenshots of a Turbo Vision application running as a native X application. They are from Linux and Solaris.

What about copyrights?

The original code is copyrighted by Borland but is freely available from the net. Try here.
This port is distributed under the GPL license and the Sigala's port under a BSD like license.
According to a FAQ entry in the Borland's site (was in http://www.inprise.com/devsupport/bcppbuilder/faq/QNA906.html when I saw it) the code is public domain. I also asked in the Borland's newsgroup and the TeamB people (not official people but they are who give technical support in the net) said me the FAQ was right.


Borland never released the docs so I don't know if I can distribute the original documentation.
Sergio Sigala has some documentation in his port.
Additionally you'll find a doc directory in the sources containing documentation about most of the new classes.


DJGPP, BC++ and MinGW TVision

Important! I'm not providing pre-compiled versions because that's usually a source of problems. Libraries compiled with one version of the compiler fails to link with others, etc. If you think I should provide binaries and have a really good reason just tell me.

The 2.0.3 release can be downloaded from here:

Sources distribution: tv203s.zip (Source Forge network)

The 2.0.2 release can be downloaded from here:

Sources distribution: tv202s.zip (Source Forge network)

BC++ and "pure DOS" (not emulated by Windows) users please try the following fix: tv202-1s.zip (Source Forge network)

Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Cygwin, etc. TVision

The 2.2.1 CVS20161117 release can be downloaded from here

Sources distribution: 1.1 Mb rhtvision-2.2.1-4.src.tar.gz

The 2.1.0 CVS20070425 pre-release can be downloaded from here

Sources distribution: 1.1 Mb rhtvision-2.1.0-3.src.tar.gz

The 2.0.3 release can be downloaded from here

Sources distribution: 1.02 Mb rhtvision-2.0.3.src.tar.gz

The 2.0.2 release can be downloaded from here

Sources distribution: 1 Mb rhtvision-2.0.2.src.tar.gz

For RPMs, DEBs and work-in-progress versions visit the Source Forge summary site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tvision/
Here are some packages:

Debian GNU/Linux



Red Hat



Previous version (1.1.4): Needed for Setedit 0.4.54 and RHIDE 1.4.9.
Linux sources
DOS sources

Previous version (1.0.10): Needed for Setedit 0.4.41 and RHIDE 1.4.7.
Linux sources
DOS sources

Last CVS snapshot

Each night a script creates a CVS snapshot tarball. You can download this snapshot from the snap page.

E-mail contact

mailYou can contact me by e-mail set[at host]users.sourceforge.net

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Last update: Fri Nov 18 09:25:33 ART 2016